We are happy to host Prof. Sergio N. Monteiro from the Military Institute of Engineering in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He studies natural fibers and their applications in ballistic armors. He has been collaborating with us on natural fiber – polymer composites since August 2014, time of Prof. Drelich’s visit in Rio de Janeiro.
His presentation entitled Ballistic armor for personal protection using natural fibers… Is it possible?, which took place on August 10 was well received at our department and by our research team, stirring new ideas for continuation of collaboration in the area of natural fiber – polymer composites.
Visitor from Brazil
Congratulations to Shan! The Graduate School Dean’s Advisory Panel has recommended that her application for a PhD Finishing Fellowship be approved.
Competition for these awards is always strong, and she should be proud of her accomplishments. The panel was impressed with her research on Zn-Li alloy, publication record, and contribution to the mission of Michigan Tech.
Shan will receive full support (stipend + 9-credits of research) for upcoming fall semester.
Contact Angle Symposium
Dr. Drelich attended 10th International Symposium on Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion that took place at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey, on July 13-15. He replaced Sara Schellbach, who was originally scheduled to attend this meeting, and delivered the paper entitled A Novel Method for Contact Angle Measurements on Natural Fibers having Non-Unifrom Cross Sections and Rough Surface. The meeting gathered over 50 participants from different countries and allowed to discuss common practices of contact angle measurements and interpretations of contact angles.
Impact Factor for SI
Surface Innovations journal received its first Impact Factor: 1.438. Although this number is not great yet, it will increase next year to about 2, as per our early estimate, and hopefully will continue to increase to much higher number in the next few years.
The journal is indexed back to Volume 1 issue 1 2013 in the following:
♦ Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®)
♦ Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
♦ Current Contents®/Physical Chemical and Earth Sciences
♦ Current Contents®/Engineering Computing and Technology.
Other statistics for Surface Innovations:
2015 average time to first decision: 6 weeks
2015 average time to final decision: 3.4 months.
New PhD Candidate
We would like to welcome our new graduate student Zhiyong Yin. Zhiyong received his M.S. degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at Montana Tech in May 2016. This is his second M.S. degree and the first one he received at the Beijing University of Technology in China in 2012. Zhiyong will work on his PhD degree at our department and his research will concentrate on zinc-based endovascular stents.
Charge Anisotropy of Scheelite
We employed atomic force microscopy to measure the colloidal interactions between silicon nitride cantilever tips and scheelite crystal surfaces in 1mM KCl solutions of varying pH. By fitting the DLVO theoretical model to the recorded force-distance curves, the surface charge density and surface potential values were calculated for three crystallographic surfaces including {112}, {101} and {001}. We found that the surface {101} was the most negatively charged surface, followed by {112} and {001}. The surface potential for {001} was only slightly affected by pH whereas surface potential for both {112} and {101} increased with increasing pH. Anisotropy in surface charge density was analyzed in relation to surface density of active oxygen atoms; i.e., the density of oxygen atoms with one or two broken bond(s) within tungstate ions located in the topmost surface layer. On a surface with a higher surface density of active oxygen atoms, a larger number of OH- is expected to adsorb through hydrogen bonding, leading to a more negative charging.
These findings were just published in Langmuir in the paper titled Surface Charge Anisotropy of Scheelite Crystals, which is the result of international collaboration between Central South University in Changsha (China) and the Surface Innovations research team.
Making News
We made news in Tech Today and in the local newspaper on: How does our zinc stent invention turn into commercially available—and potentially lifesaving—product?
Read more at Tech Today, by Jenn Donovan.
Since reading the Daily Mining Gazette requires a subscription, the link is not provided to two newspaper stories on our project featured on May 26 and May 27 of 2016.
M-TRAC Grant
Our team received a grant from the M-TRAC (Michigan Translational and Commercialization) program on Prototyping Biodegradable Zn-Based Stents of Enhanced Mechanical Properties. The goal of this project is to manufacture Zn-based stents with improved mechanical properties as compared to what was manufactured in 2015. It is great opportunity for the team to step outside of the fundamental science zone.
SI Volume 4 Issue 2
We are glad to share with you the content of the 2nd issue of 2016 of Surface Innovations, with a review on sol-gel coatings for corrosion protection of aluminum alloys, three technical papers on topics related to local impedance imaging, metal-organic frameworks and zeolites, and one communication on liquid-infused surfaces.
8th Biometal Symposium
Shan missed opportunity to attend the 8th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals in Esterel Resort, near Montreal, Canada, as her Canadian visa arrived too late. Just bad luck as she submitted request for her visa in the last week of March, much ahead of this key scientific meeting. Nevertheless, Prof. Drelich attended the meeting and presented his paper entitled “Importance of stable oxide film in endovascular biodegradable stents,” along with Shan’s paper “Biodegradation of a novel Zn-Li alloy in abdominal aorta of rat.” More importantly, he was invited by the symposium organizers as one of the two panelist speakers for the Hot Topic Round Table: “Zn-based Degradable Metals: Hype or Hope?” for which he received many compliments from attendees and a nice plaque. The meeting gathered more than 60 participants from around the world, whose research is focused on biodegradable metallic implant materials. This meeting allowed Prof. Drelich to learn research and characterization approaches and techniques practiced by others in the field of biodegradable metals. Scientific and friendly atmosphere of this meeting also produced several collaborative arrangements with our team that will expand team’s capabilities and most likely will conclude with new joint publications in a future.