Category Archives: Publications
Books, journals, poster sessions
Review on Natural Fiber-Polymer Composites
In August 2014, Dr. Drelich visited the Military Institute of Engineering (MIE) in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and established a research collaboration with this institute in the area of natural fibers and composite materials. At that time he started to … Continue reading
Review on Stent Materials
Metallic stents are commonly used to promote revascularization and maintain patency of plaqued or damaged arteries following balloon angioplasty. To mitigate the long-term side effects associated with corrosion-resistant stents (i.e. chronic inflammation and late stage thrombosis), a new generation of … Continue reading
Sugarcane Waste in Armors
The residue obtained from sugarcane juice extraction, in sugar and ethanol production, is known as bagasse. At the industrial mill, bagasse is either incinerated for steam and power generation or discarded as a waste. The incorporation of bagasse waste into … Continue reading
Cytotoxicity Study for Zn
Zinc (Zn) and its alloys have been introduced by our team as a new class of biodegradable metals with potential application for making biodegradable vascular stents. Although our previous feasibility in vivo study suggested biocompatibility of Zn –based implants in … Continue reading
SI Volume 4 Issue 1
The 1st issue of 2016 of the Surface Innovations journal is available. This issue contains five additional invited papers on recent developments in polymer surface modification, dedicated to Dr. Kash Mittal – the first five papers were included in the … Continue reading
Second Paper on Armor
A new paper on ballistic armor has been accepted for publication in the Materials & Design journal. The paper entitled: Novel Ballistic Ramie Fabric Composite Competing with Kevlar™ Fabric in Multilayered Armor, was prepared by collaborators from the Institute of … Continue reading
SI Volume 3 Issue 4
The 4th issue of 2015 of the Surface Innovations journal is available. This issue contains five invited papers on recent developments in polymer surface modification and is dedicated to Dr. Kash Mittal.
Surface Innovations in Thomson Reuters
Dr. Alison McAnena from ICE Publishing just informed us this morning that the Surface Innovations journal has been accepted into Thomson Reuters Indices SCIE, Current Contents and JCR. This means that papers published in Surface Innovations will start to show … Continue reading
Wetting of Natural Fibers
Sara Schellbach has published her first technical paper. The paper’s title is A novel method for contact angle measurements on natural fibers, co-authored by Prof. Sergio N. Monteiro and Prof. Jarek Drelich, and will be included in one of the … Continue reading
Reproducibility of RHX dating
Graduate student Shan Zhao has published her first paper as the leading author. The paper is entitled “Reproducibility in Rehydroxylation of Ceramic Artifacts” and was accepted for publication by the Journal of American Ceramic Society. The paper is co-authored by … Continue reading