Category Archives: Notables
Awards, service, recognition, widely-circulated news
Jaroslaw Drelich Serving on Surface Forces Conference in Russia
Prof. Jaroslaw Drelich has been invited to serve on the International Scientific Committee of the XVth International Conference on Surface Forces that will take place in Verbilki, Russia on May 12-17, 2014. The meeting will cover a broad range of colloid and … Continue reading
Michigan Tech Scientist Honored for Food Safety Innovation
Microbes lurk almost everywhere, from fresh food and air filters to toilet seats and folding money. Most of the time, they are harmless to humans. But sometimes they aren’t. Every year, thousands of people sicken from E. coli infections and hundreds die … Continue reading
MSGC Fellowships
Five of our undergraduate students have been awarded with the Michigan Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Fellowship: Mike Warhus, Brad Villeneuve, Matt Tianen, Evan Schaefer, and Jacob Braykovich. Congratulations!